
Saturday, March 12, 2011


I love COLOR! Color makes everything more fun! From flowers to ipods to nail polish to walls to these amazing jellyfish decorations on the ceiling of the Bellagio.

My favorite thing about color is that it can make something ordinary and turn it into extraordinary. Something that catches your eye and makes you pay attention.

***Also Fun Tip: The letters of color start my favorite state/home- COLORado! :) Coincidence...I think not!***

Color has meaning. There is so much you can learn from color. Businesses use it to tell you about their product. People's clothes tell you about the event they are attending and personality. Rings tell you people's mood....ok only mood rings. In a store, color tells you about a product. Is it bright orange? It's means pay attentions to me. "I am cheap and on sale," (However, while on the road, orange still means pay attention to me, it doesn't mean " I am cheap and on sale"...it means "I am busy doing road work...don't hit me!")

The colors black and red mean dangerous, exciting, and sexy. (Axe for example!) Blue is the color we signify with loyalty and trust (banks use blue a lot) That is unless its pastel blue, then its signifies baby, Easter, and spring. Its amazing how shades of a color means things. Bright orange is cheap, but dark, earthy orange means organic and healthy. I love that without saying a thing, the color I am wearing can tell you about my mood. (That's part of the reason I love nail polish so much
, but that's a whole other post :)





Monday, January 17, 2011

Sweet Success!

I love it when you get an idea. One that inspires you to act. You think, 'Hey, I bet I could do that!' and then the project buzz hits. Excitement runs through your veins and you are all the sudden itching dive into the project.

My latest endeavor was a flower cupcake. I found a picture on the internet and the rest of the week all I could think about was making these cupcakes. I got all the ingredients, I got the cute cupcake paper liners, the supplies necessary AND I got a partner in crime. Things are always much more fun when there is someone to get excited with you!

After a few mistakes and some trial and error we created a beautiful masterpiece! Something extraordinary! Something almost too good to be true...something that looks just like the picture! Crazy! I love projects that work. Simple, fun, and look fantastic when you finish.

Top view of one of my cupcakes!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Getting Lost in Pages

One of my favorite things in the world is opening the pages of a fantastic book! I love how when you start a book that you have never read before and you get so into the book that you forget that it is 3 AM, you forget you haven't eaten in hours, you forget that you are simply sitting on your bed. From the comfort of your room you can enter unexplored worlds, travel back in time, meet mythical creatures. There are no cheesy special effects, no poor acting, just your pure imagination where anything can happen. For a few hundred pages, you are someone else, with someone else's problems. (Which I always find so much easier to handle than my own!) The suspense of not knowing what is going to happen. Wanting to know the ending and at the same feeling reluctant for the adventure to end. Then the exhilarated feeling you get when everything is resolved.

When you find a book that excites and opens your mind, beginning the book again is like spending time with an old time friend. The worn pages so familiar, yet new ideas pop into your mind when certain phrases leap out of the pages like they never did before.

It's always amazing to me how a book is able to show you how another person thinks. Whether you agree with the character or not, you can better understand the character's point of view. Reading often reminds me to be more compassionate. So much thinking and feeling goes into the decisions characters make and so very little of that thinking process is ever voiced. There can be a full page of thought process for only two words of dialogue. It is so easy to judge another based on their words and their actions as they appear to us because it is impossible to know all that they are thinking and their motives.

For countless reasons...I love great books!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Ultimate Gloss

Dazzelglass is the ultimate gloss.
Long Lasting,

& Fun!
One of the things I like best about Dazzelglass is that it shimmers for hours...I mean hours! It smells good, its not too sticky, and it lasts for hours. I don't have to re-apply constantly. Plus as a bonus the gloss is in a clear tube so every time you pull it out of your purse or pocket, the gloss shimmers in the light! I love that! When you put on the gloss you lips look as amazing as they do in the pictures of the models. They are made by Mac (of course, only the best). This picture does not do the Dazzelglass justice, but you can see that they come in dozens of fantastic colors and more are coming this summer!

I love Dazzelglass! One is just not enough!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

There is Sunshine!

Winters are hard on me. The sun can disappear for days at a time. I live in a place that has three common occurrences in the winter: sleet, snow, and inversion. Each one hides the sun causing me to want to sleep in, and then curl up in front of a movie and never leave my apartment. For me, the sun is therapeutic. I love the light, the heat, and the happiness it brings!

Today I am fully appreciating the sun. It is bright outside with very few clouds to distract my enjoyment of the sun. I love how it warms the whole earth after a dreary winter. (Don't get me wrong, snow, hot chocolate, Christmas, are all great, but do we really need 5 months of the cold?) I love the way the sun lights everything up. I love feeling the sun's rays warming my skin like a personal blanket. I love not tromping through slush getting my jeans and shoes soaked. I love how in the summer the sun stays up past 5 pm allowing me to go running in the afternoons. I love waking up with the sunshine streaming through my window. (I think people should only every have to wake up when the sun is shining! :) I love how the sun causes all the flowers to come out and the trees to cover their naked branches with luscious green leaves. Having sun means that you can go out and enjoy the day with a pleasant walk, hike, picnic, or barbeque!
I love the sun!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Chocolate...My Inspriation

The fantastic dessert cafe that inspired this blog is called The Chocolate. Its is located in Orem, Utah. From the outside, the cafe looks like an older, charming home. Once inside, you are overwhelmed by the mouth watering smells of chocolate, sugar, and baking! Each display is filled with cakes, brownies, tarts, cupcakes, and lemon bars. Its almost impossible to choose what you want...you really would like it all. Because of the line forming behind me, I decided on the mint brownie and a caramel turtle. While they dished up my delectable treats, my husband and I explored the two-level cafe. Every room was filled with tables with fresh flowers on them, chairs, and couches. Some rooms were more secluded than others. Every room was painted a different color with a black trim. Each floor had an ice water pitcher and glass cups available, which I made great use of! The place is darling!

Once we picked a table, almost immediately a girl came to deliver our plate. The chocolate brownie was rich and smooth. The Caramel Turtle has a crunchy base with chocolate frosting on top. That one was my favorite....which is saying a lot with how much I LOVE brownies! We sat and enjoyed the little cafe and its ambiance. Everyone was enjoying their desserts and the company they were with. Even the music fit their unique place with songs by Imogen Heap and other similar singers.

On the way out the door we noticed the Dottie and the Cherub. The Dottie is a pineapple coconut cake and the cherub is a chocolate lovers cake, and thus....we will be back!
I love The Chocolate

The Beginning

For the longest time I have resisted creating a blog for I had no idea what on earth I would write about. I couldn't imagine that anyone would want to read about my life, it's a simple one. Last night, after eating at the most delicious dessert cafe and raving to my husband about the place for quite some time, he came up with an idea for me. The idea: to write a blog about things I love. A therapeutic form of counting my blessings and spreading the word about some of the best things in life.

To begin I thought I would start with the list of my top ten things I love most in this world, and then from here on out each post will be describing some of the things I love including foods, restaurants, places, people, seasons, and any other random things I come up with.

My top ten list...in no particular order!

1. My best friend and wonderful husband
2. My Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ
3. My Family-my amazing parents, my sisters, my brother-in-law, and now my husband's family
4. Chocolate...without life would be a dark and dreary place
5. Gerber Daisies-the friendliest flowers
6. Sunshine!!
7. Reading
8. Cooking & Baking-I am rather new, but I do love trying!
9. Eating
10. Running-good thing, try to balance the eating :)